Safety Services
Industrial Services
System Descriptions
Construction Services
Job Hazard Analysis
Worker Compliance
About Mr. Lighthill

Lighthill Consulting was created to serve industrial and construction clients in a manner that is simple, creates results that can be measured, and above all makes sense.  The process is not about blaming, but instead it is about finding "opportunities" to fix, then create methods to ensure that the issue will not return.

Mr. Lighthill brings to his clients hands-on experience and the ability to relate to the line worker, thus creating an atmosphere of compliance by knowledge instead of compliance by force.  This "Compliance Through Knowledge" is a holistic approach, that leads the line worker to take responsibility for their actions usually leading to higher productivity and less involvement by the supervisory staff.  In addition to his experience Mr. Lighthill also speaks conversational Spanish allowing him to be an invaluable resource working in bilingual environments.  Mr. Lighthill understands the need for a "helping hand" at times for clients and can provide that added assistance where and when needed.  This allows the client to pay for only what they need when their workload is at its highest levels.